Category Archives: White Wolf

Cursed Necropolis D.C.

Twenty years ago, Andrew Greenberg did me the honor of entrusting me with writing D.C. by Night for Vampire: The Masquerade. I’ve written many things since them, but most of the people who remember my roleplaying books start with that one. Today, I was able to revisit the World of Darkness from a new perspective in Washington, DC – the perspective of the Arisen from the innovative roleplaying game, Mummy: The Curse.

My thanks go out to CA Suleiman, my developer, and Neall Raemonn Price, my co-author, who made this happen. Both of them are absolutely incredible. If you see either of their names on a roleplaying game, buy it.

The book answers a number of questions, like why there are all those circles in the city and why do we have an obelisk in the capital of the United States? The answer of course, is to return the glory of the City of Pillars from over four thousand years ago. The book has a number of fun NPCs who could be moved to other cities and chronicles as well as being left in their setting.

Mummy: The Curse and Cursed Necropolis DC can be purchased in print or pdf at

DC Mummy




Nominated for an Award and some Updates

Hi everyone,

I’m still chugging along in Nanowrimo, running over 34,000 words. Charming, my fairy tale fantasy novel with the amazing John Peck, is still being considered by a major publisher. HeroNet Files looks good to be published before the end of the year, although I’m feeling guilty as the one who has slowed the project down. I’ve still got some roleplaying stuff going as well. For Crimson Hawks fans, the second book is still really close. I’m hoping to have it out first quarter next year.

I want to say that I’m really pleased that another blogger, Becka, nominated me for an award. I’ll do a full post on that as I want to do it justice, but I want to say thank you. I’ve added a link to her site on the links on my sidebar. She’s a very nice lady, and I encourage everyone to cheer her on as she tries to complete Nanowrimo.

All in all, things continue, and I’ll be trying to post on a regular basis. With all that said, there should be a new Freedom Squad post up in a short while.

All the best,


The Mummies Arise

Happy New Year!

I’ve been away enjoying the holidays and working on projects when I can. My apologies for not posting more, but I’m still hoping to have some good news about Krueger and the Hawks soon.

I wanted to take a moment and let everyone know about a roleplaying game on Kickstarter. Ages ago, I had the privilege of writing for a game called Mummy: The Resurrection. More importantly to me, I had the honor of working with C.A. Suleiman. When I first met him years ago, I worked for a game store named Dream Wizards in Rockville, MD. I was a young freelance writer, and C.A. was a young customer at the store. Lots of people came into that store with their own ideas about games and worlds and stories to be written, but there was something special about C.A. He had that rare mix of willingness to listen combined with the ability to adapt his vision and the strength of character not to give up. He became the author of Cairo by Night, an achievement that he earned from creativity and pure persistance. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to stay in touch with him and encourage him over the years. He is an utterly fantastic writer and human being, and I am incredibly proud to have been able to work with him.

Having said all that, C.A. is now on Kickstarter with Mummy: The Curse.

It should be an amazing game, and I encourage anyone who might be interested to support it.  If nothing else, please take a look.

All the best!


Working on Charming

Hi everyone,

I had a great time at the Baltimore Book Festival. I hope to get to a full wrap up blog post, but there’s been a lot going on. First and foremost, I’ve been working on Charming which I’m planning to submit to Harper-Collins this weekend. There’s an excerpt in one of my earlier blogs.  That’s pretty much what’s been happening in writing for me.

I’d like to give a shout out to my friend Phil Brucato who is attending Howl-Con, a con dedicated to all things werewolfish. If I were anywhere near Portland, OR, I’d love to go between Werewolf: The Apocalypse and my Space Wolves. Arrroooo!!!

As far as supporting Werewolf goes, I highly recommend anyone interested to check out Kickstarter for the 20th anniversary edition of Werewolf.

All the best,


Mummy and Souls updates

Hi  everyone,

More cool stuff about Mummy and some of the thoughts behind the game. Take a look here.

I’ve also received word that Souls of the Everwood should have a print copy available in the next 2-3 weeks.

That’s all for now. Thanks!