Category Archives: Nebula Awards

A Beginning

Yes, world, I have a blog. Thank you to everyone who helped make this website and blog a reality.

I had a great time at the Nebula Awards this last weekend. It was a remarkable opportunity to meet established and aspiring writers and fans of sci-fi and fantasy. I also want to thank NASA for giving me the chance to return with some space coloring books and stickers for my daughter.

One of the authors who left the strongest impression on me was Myke Cole. After meeting him, I downloaded his novel Shadow Ops: Control Point on my Kindle. You can find out more about Myke at He’s a great human being who weaves his love of fantasy together with his military experience. The next book in the series should be out later this year.

For my current projects, I’m attempting to e-publish two short novels through Blue Oranda Publishing, Souls of the Everwood and In the Service of the King. Look for those soon.

All the best!